I am an artist.
I practice the skills I have developed with the talent I have been blessed with. I use my imagination to design and create. I see possibility in everything.
"To be an artist means not to calculate and count but to grow and ripen like a tree which does not hurry the flow of its sap and stands at ease in the spring gales without fearing that no summer may follow. It will come." - Rainer Maria Rilke
I am a teacher.
I inspire others to come along on the journey of discovery. I believe in sharing and that there is room for all of us.
"The great teacher is not the one who supplies the most facts but the one in whose presence we become different people." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am a visionary.
I plan for the future with imagination and wisdom. I am often characterized by fanciful ideas and the determination to see them come to fruition.
"Dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams we plant the seeds of our future. Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the person with all the facts. Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein